Andrey Kobyuk

717 4th Street, apt. 101
Des Moines, IA 50309-1332
1 (515) 244-3865

[email protected]
[email protected]

Position as an engineer concerning low-level and system functions, user interface, graphics, image processing, multimedia and three-dimensional applications.

  • Creative, self-motivated and communicative.
  • Excellent skills in collaboration.
  • Good experience of work with low-level of Intel's x86 processors, MS-Windows (NT, 98, 2000) and X-Window.
  • Interested in the newest computer technologies.
  • Able to work flexible and long hours.

Applied works
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA&D) using Rational Rose. Very strong in C++ and VC++.
  • Multithreading development for WindowsNT/Windows2000/Windows98/Windows95.
  • Developed mathematical (and then numerical) models of the chemical technology objects.
  • Developed and applied some optimization routines (based on the simplex method and a net sorting).
  • ATL and ActiveX contorls (for IE and Visual Basic including).
  • Developed a several versions of a renderer of 3D scenes (using OpenGL API and Direct3D).
  • Image processing: inter-format conversion (BMP, TGA, PCX, GIF, VRML-1), transformations for raster (color and size), vector and 3D formats (color).
  • MS Windows video technologies: Video for Windows (VFW), DirectShow, Windows Media Player (Windows Media SDK).
  • A lot of relevant to image processing subjects are developed also (image files reading, decoding, texture applying, normals calculating, BSP- and AVL-trees).
  • User interface: implemented the interface both for text and graphic modes under MSDOS, as well as for Windows using Win32 API (for customized UI), MFC and ATL (WTL).
  • Developed a software of three-dimensional presentation of a text.
  • The host for supporting Photoshops' plug-ins.
  • SQL based technologies (Persistence for Oracle 8).
  • Developed software with a new data presentation (a 3D surface of Gain-Technology parameters) for chemical plants.
  • Took active part in development of graphics windowing system (on x86 DOS) for creation of plant control; developed related subjects for it (a low-level graphics interface, the block of adaptive recognition of technology objects and their simulation, x86 disassembler).
  • Took part in development of adaptive, self-tuning systems of control.
  • X-Window Library (low level C calls).
  • MS SDKs.
  • Three-dimensional presentation of a data flow on technology objects;
  • Low-level procedures in assembler (16 bits, 32 bits and protected mode);
  • BSP;
  • Ray-tracing.
C expert currently used12
C++ and VC++ expert currently used11
COM/OLE (ATL and ActiveX controls including) expert currently used 6
OpenGL expert currently used 5
DirectX (in part of 3D and Draw) expert currently used 4
Video for Windows (VFW) advancedcurrently used 4
DirectX (in part of DirectShow, Play and Input)advancedcurrently used 4
Computational mathematics and numerical methodsexpert 2 years ago 12
Intel’s x86 Assembler (including RM and PM) advanced2 years ago 9
Internet (web) based technologies advancedcurrently used 2
SQL based technologies, including Persistence basic currently used 1
X-Window (X-Lib calls) advanced4 years ago 1
MS Visual Basic basic currently used 3
Adobe PhotoShop plug-in development; hosting advanced1 years ago 1
MS Windows API (Win32 API, incl. low-level expert currently used 7
STL expert currently used 3
User Interface (for Windows: API and MFC) expert currently used9 (6 for Windows)
UNIX basic 4 years ago 1
FORTRAN-IV, FORTRAN-77 (for PDP-11 systems)    
Basic (Quick), Pascal (Borland’s Turbo Pascal)    

2000, October - present Company: Phantom Reality, Inc.
Position: Consulting senior software engineer.
Projects: Tulip Player (for Planet Blue Corp.), Sapphire (for Wells Fargo Financial, contract with UNISYS).
Responsibilities: Mostly C++ development, SQL-based technologies, using Persistence.
C++ development: COM (ActiveX, using ATL), IE's internet technologies (wininet, urlmon), 3D engines (both 3rd and 7th Direct3D/Draw), 7th DirectInput and DirectPlay; DirectShow 8.0a (for PVMaster).
Persistence for Oracle 7 and 8. WindowsNT development.OOA&D using Rational Rose.
Visual Basic development: Mostly for testing and scripting purposes.
2000, March - October Company: SoftDev MSK, Moscow, Russia (an exclusive contract with Phantom Reality, Inc., Fuquay-Varina, NC).
Position: Senior development manager.
Projects: Phantom Direct, PVMaster.
Responsibilities: Planning, design, developing.
C++ development: COM (ActiveX, using ATL), IE's internet technologies (wininet, urlmon), 3D engines (7th Direct3D and DirectDraw); DirectShow, Video for Windows (for PVMAster).
Visual Basic development: mostly for testing and scripting purposes.
2000, January - February Company: SoftDev MSK, Moscow, Russia (an exclusive contract with Phantom Reality, Inc., Fuquay-Varina, NC).
Position: Senior software engineer.
Projects: Phantom Direct (transitions), ActiveX controls, Application Wizard for VB.
Responsibilities: Developing.
C++ development: OLE automation, ActiveX controls, ATL, DirectDraw 7.
Visual Basic development: Wizard for creating 3D scene and simple 3D applications for Visual Basic.
1997, June - 1999, December Company: SoftDev SPB, Moscow, Russia (an exclusive contract with IMSI, Novato, CA).
Position: Software engineer, development manager of the HiJaak project.
Projects: HiJaak Express, HiJaak Pro 5.0, HiJaak Free, HiJaak 3D (+ 3D Text Wizard).
Responsibilities: Leadership, scheduling.
C++ development: hosting PhotoShops' plug-ins, 3D engine (rendering part, using OpenGL), input/output filters (VRML-1, GIF, BMP, TGA), image processing, UI (custom and MFC).
1996, January - 1997, June Company: Quarterdeck Corp., Marina Del Ray, CA, Moscow Development Office, Moscow, Russia.
Position: Software engineer.
Projects: 3DText (HiJaak PRO 4.0), OpenGL based 3D renderer as a part of HiJaak’s 3D engine (HiJaak PRO 4.5).
Responsibilities: Developing.
C++ development: 3D engines, 3D renderer (OpenGL and Intel's VR library), UI (custom and MFClasses).
C/assembler development: disassembler x86 for a system utility.
1995, September - 1996, January Company: Inset Systems, Inc. Brookfield, CT, Moscow Development Office, Moscow, Russia.
Position: software engineer.
Projects: 3DText for HiJaak Suite/95.
Responsibilities: development.
C++ development: using Win32 GDI (both its raster and metafile calls) for 3D rendering for in-place embedded OLE object (3D Text for Word).
1990, November - 1995, September Company: Moscow Power-Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia.
Position: software developer, team leader.
Projects: ELINS - graphics windowing system (on x86 DOS) for creation of plant's control; developed related subjects for it (a low-level graphics interface, the block of adaptive recognition of technology objects and their simulation).
Responsibilities: programming and scheduling.
C++ development: UI, system functions, 3D rendering (mostly high-level functions) for custom windowed OS; implementation of mathematical models of power plants.
C/C++ development: porting the system (in graphic part) to Solaris using low-level X-Window Lib calls.
Assembler development: low-level function for UI and 3D rendering on x86 (real and 32 bit protected modes)
1987, March - 1990, October Company: Moscow Power-Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia.
Position: Software development leader.
Projects: Developing mathematical (and then numerical) models of chemical technology objects; developing and applying some optimization routines (based on the simplex method and a net sorting); developing software of a new data presentation (3D surface of Gain-Technology parameters) for chemical plants.
Responsibilities: Programming.
C/C++, Pascal and FORTRAN development: mathematical (and then numerical) models of objects of chemical technology; optimization routines (based on the simplex method and net sorting - mostly FORTRAN and Pascal); new data presentation of 3D surface of Gain-Technology parameters for chemical plants (mostly C/assembler).

1990, November Moscow Power-Engineering Institute (Moskovskii Energiticheskii Institut), Moscow, Russia
The post-graduation
Related course works: computational mathematics and numerical methods, object (plant) simulation, adaptive systems of automated control.
1987, March Moscow Power-Engineering Institute (Moskovskii Energiticheskii Institut), Moscow, Russia
The engineer
Related course works: computational mathematics and numerical methods, object (plant) simulation, adaptive systems of automated control.

Brainbench Certification: Master certification in C = 4.46 Master Certification in C

  • Tulip project for Planet Blue Corp. I implemented 3D stuff for the IE control. This control shows a "speaking head" (i.e. animated 3D graphics), and its speech (with sound) is synchronized with movements of mouth, lips, other parts of a model's face. The 3D stuff is based on DirectX (actually, DirectDraw and Direct3D); initially I used 7th version of DirectX, but then, in compatibility purpose, changed to 3rd version. The control is built as ActiveX control, with ATL(ibrary), it also uses STL alot, as well as MS's internet technologies: wininet, urlmon (URL monikers).
  • Sapphire project for Wells Fargo Financial. I worked there as a Unisys's contractor. Mostly I carried out C++ development for the 'DCM Performance' task. DCM is a conversion tool to move data from old databases (Oracle7) with old formats to the new ones. So I have to use intensively Persistence API (it's the set of libraries and C++ classes built upon SQL) and STL.
  • PVMaster project: the main goal of the project to provide base tools to the VB developer for creation multimedia video files from a set of separate graphic files (as well as IPicture objects) and extraction from the video into the separate frames in order to save them as the image files or to render into an application window. Since it's aimed to the VB developer, it's a COM object (+ dispatch interface) based on ATL, and using DirectShow for reading / saving from / to video files (ISampleGrabber.BufferCB, IMemInputPin::ReceiveMultiple). Also the control provides a service for enumeration available codecs (ICreateDevEnum for CLSID_VideoCompressorCategory).

Phantom Reality, Inc.
Phantom Direct
Planet Blue Corp.
Tulip Player
Wells Fargo Financial
Sapphire Project

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